This site is a personal website that illustrates the works of the genius of Pierluigi Casagrande, and has no promotional and / or commercial purpose and does not collect personal data.

A – Legal Notice
The use of the WEB site visible at (hereinafter “Site” or “this Site”) implies for the visitor the knowledge of the following conditions.
Given that THE SITE IS A PERSONAL SITE AND HAS NO SOME PROMOTIONAL AND / OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE, its content (for example documentation, images, artistic works, graphics and other content) are owned by Pierluigi Casagrande and is allowed to copy it, modify it, upload it, download it, transmit it, republish it, if not with a preliminary written consent from Pierluigi Casagrande. No responsibility is assumed in relation both to the content of what is published on this site and to the use that third parties may make, and for any contamination deriving from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programs from this site. Therefore, Pierluigi Casagrande will not be held responsible for any reason to respond to damages, losses, prejudices of any kind that third parties may suffer as a result of contact with this site, or as a result of the use of the same published as well as software used.

Pierluigi Casagrande
Fiscal Code CSGPLG63A07H501P

B – Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to describe the management methods of the WEB site visible at (hereinafter “Site” or “this Site”) with reference to the use of cookies and the processing of personal data of visitors who consult it.

This is a notice made to those who connect to the Site, in accordance with the “General Regulation on Data Protection – 2016/679 / EU” (hereafter GDPR), Article 122 of the “Code on the Protection of personal data – Legislative Decree 196/03 “(the so-called Privacy Code) and the” General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor of May 8, 2014 regarding cookies “.

The information is provided only for the site and related subdomains, but not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through special links.

The above site is owned and operated by Pierluigi Casagrande (Tax Code CSGPLG63A07H501P).

The Site does not collect any personal information and does not propose forms to be filled in with personal information.

B.1 – Type of data processed and purpose of processing

1. Navigation data and their conservation

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in normal operation, some data that are implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified individuals, but due to their nature could, even through processing with data held by third parties, allow visitors to be identified (eg IP address, domain names of computers used by users that link to the Site, the code indicating the response status given by the server, type of browser, time indications of the beginning and end of the browsing session, any identification of the account and the activities carried out on the Site, and so on).

These data are used only for statistical information and to check the correct functioning of the Site. The data are stored for a maximum of six months, without prejudice to further storage for any investigation of computer crimes against the Site or to respond to specific regulatory obligations.

No data deriving from the web service will be disseminated.

2. Cookies

2.1 General information about cookies

Cookies are small text files that the websites visited by users send to their terminals (usually to the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at each subsequent visit via the same terminal. Furthermore, each site can allow the transmission of the cds. “third-party” cookies, ie those generated by internet sites other than the one the user is visiting (through objects present in it such as banners, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains).

Depending on their duration, they are divided into session cookies (ie the temporary ones and automatically deleted from the terminal at the end of the browsing session, closing the browser) and persistent cookies (ie those that remain stored on the terminal until their expiration or cancellation by the user).

Cookies have different purposes. They are primarily used for the transmission of communication or to provide the service requested by the user; more precisely, they allow to enable and optimize the operation of the website, perform IT authentication and prevent abuse, monitor sessions, improve the browsing experience of users, for example by keeping active the connection to restricted areas while browsing through the pages of the site without the need to re-enter User-Id and password and storing specific information about the users themselves (including preferences, type of browser and computer used).

The aforementioned cookies are called “technical” (for their use the user’s consent is not required), as without them some of the above operations could not be completed or would be more complex and / or less secure.

Otherwise, if cookies are used for other purposes, typically for behavioral analysis and sending personalized promotional messages (the so-called “profiling cookies”) or even for obtaining, through services rendered by third parties, information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the site (the so-called “analytics cookies”), the user’s consent is required. In fact, before sending these cookies on the terminal, in accordance with current legislation (“Privacy Code” and “General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor of May 8, 2014”), when you access the home page or other page of the site, a banner is immediately shown in the foreground with an initial brief information on the use of cookies and on the collection of consent, which the user can lend by continuing browsing by selecting an item below the banner or by closing the banner itself .

In any case, cookies can be read or modified only by the website that generated them; they can not be used to retrieve any data from the user’s terminal and can not transmit computer viruses. Some of the functions of cookies can also be performed by other technologies; therefore, in the context of this web privacy policy, the term “cookies” refers to cookies and all similar technologies.

2.2 Use of cookies on this site

This site may use session cookies and persistent cookies.

2.3 “Third-party” cookies

This site does not allow third-party cookies to be transmitted to the visitor’s computer.

2.4 Management of cookie choices

Cookies can be managed by the user through their browser.

2.4.1 Browser settings

The user can manage their cookie preferences through the functionalities present in the common browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Crome, Apple Safari), which allow to delete / remove cookies (all or some) or to change the settings the browser itself to block the sending of cookies or to limit it to specific sites (compared to others). It is possible to know how to configure browser settings (normally accessible from the “Tools” bar) by going to the “Support” web pages of the suppliers of the aforementioned browsers (also identifiable through a common search engine).

Disabling cookies does not in itself preclude the use of the services of the Website; however, if all cookies are deleted / blocked, including technical cookies, some operations could not be performed or would be more complex and / or less secure, for example, for the execution of activities within the Restricted Areas of the Site (i cookies allow in fact to maintain and maintain the identification of the user within the session).

3. Data provided voluntarily by visitors

Visitors, by connecting to this site do not have the possibility to send their personal data.

B.2 – Methods of processing
By not acquiring any personal data, no processing is carried out and no personal data can be given except as specified for navigation data.

B.3 – Rights of the interested parties
By not acquiring any personal data, visitors can not access data concerning them nor can they exercise other foreseen rights.
Pierluigi Casagrande